The application "Hotlist Grabber" for Macintosh will convert an NCSA Mosaic for Macintosh hotlist into a SimpleText file and vice versa. The text files list the menu title and it's URL. This is a handy way to be able to sort titles in a text file to user preferences, for mailing hotlists, etc. Also, the advantage of mailing a hotlist as a text file is that when the end user converts it to a hotlist, Mosaic or Hotlist Grabber will create the correct "alis" resource in the hotlist. Otherwise, the hotlist looks for the machine on which it was created. This can be a real pain in the butt when you are on a network. The machine will go off and try to find and connect to the sender's computer.
Menu Description
FILE MENU - contains the functions:
List -> Text allows the user to select an NCSA Mosaic "hotlist" from the dialog scroll window and converts it to a SimpleText file. This option can be invoked by pressing "command-T".
Text -> List allows the user to select a SimpleText file from the dialog scroll window and convert it to a NCSAMosaic "hotlist". This option can be invoked by pressing "command-L". This portion of the program operates by "looking" for hard returns. The text file must have the text formatted in the order of a "Label" first and then a "URL", with the two separated by a hard return.
Sort List allows the user to select an NCSA Mosaic "hotlist" from the dialog scroll window and save the file as an alphabetically sorted NCSA Mosaic "hotlist". This option can be invoked by pressing "command-S".
Fix 'alis' allows the user to select an NCSA Mosaic "hotlist" from the dialog scroll window and simply fix the 'alis' resource without having to convert the "hotlist" file several times. This option can be invoked by pressing "command-F".
Quit If I have to explain this to you, you have more serious problems than converting your Mosaic Hotlist.
This application is freeware created with Prograph CPX 1.1. I wrote this program because when I shared my Hotlist with others, they had problems using the file (the system wanted to connect to my computer over the net). Also, it irritated me that I couldn't change the order of the addresses without deleting them and reentering them. This program facilitates this.
Version History
1.0.2 - Added the ability to simply fix the 'alis' resource and save into a new file rather than
have to do translation to a text file and then back to a hotlist.
- Added the ability to sort a "hotlist" alphabetically by the titles.
- Fixed an irritating bug Prograph CPX reintroduced into the "Apple Menu" which caused
the apple menu from my computer to be compiled into the application.
- Changed the application icon slightly.
1.0.1 - Made reading of the text file less sensitive to where and how many extra hard returns
are present.
1.0 - Initial release of the program.
Possible Problems and Their Solutions
User Comment: "Hey, you butthead! Every time I try to use your stupid program it crashes on me! What are you trying to pull?!"
Programmer Comment: Calm down. Take a few deep breaths. Try increasing the prefered memory size in the "Get Info" window of "Hotlist Grabber". If that doesn't work, write and tell me what is causing the program to crash and I will try to remedy it.
User Comment: "What do you mean increase the memory size!?!?! It's already too freakin' big. What, do you think RAM grows on trees?!?"
Programmer Comment: Well, actually, there is some research afoot to perfect the technique of planting and harvesting RAM; thereby making the cost of RAM plummet and allowing the lay-person to visit their local grocery store and buy RAM in 50 lb. bags for $5.00. Until this time arrives, you will have to make a small sacrifice and just allocate the RAM required to run "Hotlist Grabber" or not use it. "Hotlist Grabber" was written in Prograph CPX. Prograph CPX makes RAM-Hungry applications. I can't change that, but you can just be patient and start a RAM farm when reseach has been completed.
User Comment: "I hate you! I hate you! I hate you! I hate you! I hate you! I hate you! I hate you! I hate you! I hate you! I hate you! I hate you! I hate you! I hate you! I hate you! "